Monday, May 10, 2010

Your Words and Your Destiny

One of the things that I struggle with the most is the issue of the tongue. It's a topic often discussed at fellowships, churches and television ministries because it's an issue that so many of us deal with from time to time, if not all of us. We've all said something the we would love to take back. But some of us make it a habit, it's a "besetting" sin to us, something that has us trapped in bondage.

The Second book of Samuel starts off with an Amalekite man making David aware of Saul's and Jonathan's death. Just to provide a background for those that may not know, Saul was the king of Israel prior to David and Jonathan was Saul's son and David's best friend. Even though Saul was the first King appointed by God to rule Israel, who could have done great things, Saul allowed a number of his character flaws, including his jealousy of David cost him the kingdom.  He tried many times to kill David, however, he was never successful because it was not in God's will for Saul to kill David, as God decided to turn the kingdom over to David. On two occasions, David had the opportunity to kill Saul, however, David refuse to harm God's anointed.

So when the Amalekite came to David and told him that Saul and Jonathan had been killed and he knew this because when he last saw Saul he was alive but near dead and the Amalekite finished Saul off, even at Saul's own wishes, David had his men kill the Amalekite right where he stood because as David said to the Amalekite in 2Samuel 1:15 "Your blood be on your own head. Your own mouth testified against you when you said 'I killed the Lord's anointed.' "

This struck a chord with me during my devotional reading. How many times have you allowed your tongue and the words that you use kill an anointing or blessing that God may had in your life? I know that I've done it a number of times that I'm aware of. I can only imagine how often I've done it when I wasn't aware.  It is so important to remember that the power of life and death is in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21) and James further tells us to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry James 1:19.

If we can just control our tongue, control our words especially when we're angry, we would be amazed at what God could really do in our lives and how we can be a blessing to others. We often say so many things that we later regret and spend so much time beating ourselves up which leads to a entire different host of issues. Often dwelling on these past mistakes can lead to depression and depression leads to discouragement. We should think of the peace that can be had by just learning to control the tongue in the first place. We wouldn't have to back track and apologize and think of the "woulda, shoulda, coulda" if only we will hold our tongues.

Meditate on James 1:19 and Proverbs 18:21. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to hold your tongue and speak only when He tells you to speak and learn to pick the times that you speak carefully and you will see some significant changes in your life.

In all religions, cultures, you name it, they all have a saying and a belief about being careful with our words. In the book, The Four Agreement, the very first agreement is to be impeccable with your speech.

As mentioned previously, this is something that I had to learn the hard way and still learning because for some of us, holding the tongue is a very difficult process but I was once given a good reference point by a young lady I went through a discipleship class with: If it's not kind, truth and necessary, then don't say it. I think that's a good rule of thumb that we can all try and follow.

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Single Valentine

Well, I'm pretty sure that you can tell by the date of this blog entry that yesterday was February 14th, Valentine's Day. The day that society tells you that if you are anybody, worthy of an ounce of love, you would have celebrated this weekend and told over and over, just how special and wanted you are. If you didn't have anyone telling you just how special and wanted you are, then according to conventional wisdom of the "world", you pretty much suck and most likely are better off dead.

Thank goodness I'm out of that stage but obviously many others are still there and I am starting to get a bit annoyed by them. For the most part, I think they don't mean any harm however, they aren't considerate enough to think of how this line of questioning may appear to the other person. Now, please know that I'm not bitter just because I'm not "loved by man" and I think Valentine's Day is great. I'm just not ready to end it all and jump into the Potomac because I don't have a Valentine's Day date and I'm quite tired of those that act like, I have a problem because I'm content at this moment in my single state.

One year I went out with some of the other ladies from my Queen Esther class at church and we had a great time. I thought about doing that again this year but with the weather, I decided to just stay home and chill and work on some things. I wasn't upset, sad or had any ill feelings towards not being out there with the coupled masses. Now, hopefully, this doesn't mean that God is changing my heart to accept my single state as this is where I'll be forever. I'm still believing in a husband. But I've finally grown and matured as a person, as a Christian to know that I want the one that God has for me, when I'm ready to receive him and if I'm to be 100% honest, I'm simply not ready to receive him. That has been proven by the mishaps that I've made in past relationships.

I still have so much work to do on me before I'm ready for that type of committment. I was really content yesterday with spending time with God and seeing Him as my special Valentine. Yes, it sounds cheezy and yes, it sounds like one of those things when people give themselves a self hug to feel better. But it's true, I'm finally at that point in my life, at least with the issue of being content where I am until God brings the right one a long. This does not mean that I will not have periods of lonliness and start to feel discouraged however, God's word says that He will send the Holy Spirit, my comforter to comfort me during my times of lonliness. He also does this by the wonderful friends that He has placed in my life. I look at my true friends and I know that God is at work in my life for the unconditional love and acceptence that they show me and until my "Mr. Right" is ready to accept me unconditionally faults and all, I'm perfectly content in my single state, still being transformed by Him every day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Little By Little

20"See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. ... 27 "I will send my terror ahead of you and throw into confusion every nation you encounter. I will make all your enemies turn their backs and run. 28 I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way. 29 But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. 30 Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land" (Exodus 23:20; 27-30, NIV).

What an awesome promise! When I first read this during my quiet time a couple of weeks ago, I knew God was speaking directly to me. This was a rhema word. One of my greatest areas of challenge is patience. I have plenty of well meaning friends and loved ones that always tell me patience is a virtue and a fruit of the spirit, and that my time is in God's hands. But when you're feeling discouraged, and you're struggling with an issue the way I was at the time, you don't want to hear a bunch of well meaning catch phrases, Christian based or otherwise. You really need something you can hold on to. Discouragement can lead to depression and once depression sets in, that can be a scary place. After still struggling with a break up, not loving my job, feeling a little isolated, this word was a breath of fresh air.

Right there is His word, God is telling me, that He has a plan for my life. That He is preparing the way. That even though I want things in an instant, He's preparing things little by little, knocking obstacles out of my way. Because if I take possession of the land before I'm ready, it can overtake me. That is so powerful.

If you ever find yourself wondering why God isn't answering your prayer or why things aren't moving as fast as you like, do know that God is an awesome God and He has a perfect plan for your life according to His will. And in the world of instant gratification and needing everything like yesterday, sometimes God moves little by little. If you're obedient and trust in Him, know that when you do get to your destiny, your promised land, you'll be more than ready to possess the land.